Winners of the Cas Oorthuys photo competition in the Resistance Museum

Published on Saturday, October 21News

The winners of the photo competition in honor of the iconic photographer Cas Oorthuys were announced yesterday during a festive ceremony. The competition, organized by the Resistance Museum Amsterdam on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Cas Oorthuys, resistance photographer’, has inspired more than 120 passionate photographers in recent months to share their own vision on the themes ‘Resistance’ and ‘Fellowship’ that were so close to Oorthuys’ heart.

The museum called on participants to take up the camera and capture their own interpretation of these themes. They were encouraged to incorporate at least one of the typical ‘Cas Oorthuys style elements’ in their photos, such as black and white, square format or ‘Hipshot.’

Three winning photos
The jury, consisting of Liesbeth van der Horst (Resistance Museum), Eva de Vos (Het Parool) and Cas Oorthuys’ son, Frank Oorthuys, chose the following three winners from the many entries (in random order): Isis Koelman van Doornik with ‘ Westermarkt’, Simon van Leijen with the photo ‘Bed, Bad, Bread’ and Hans Meijer with ‘Love in images’

Oorthuys’ themes in contemporary images
The winning photos show the creative way in which participants have embraced the spirit of Oorthuys and transformed his themes into contemporary images. In addition to the honor of inclusion in the Cas Oorthuys exhibition and publication in Het Parool, the winners will receive museum-quality prints of their photographs in recognition of their talent and contribution to the celebration of Oorthuys’ legacy.

All participating photos can be admired on the museum’s website.

The exhibition Cas Oorthuys, resistance photographer can be seen until January 14, 2024 in the Resistance Museum, Plantage Kerklaan 61