Neighboring neighborhood of De Plantage and affiliated partner; Expedition Oosterdok
In our beautiful, green neighborhood – and community – De Plantage, we work and live, we have fun and we work together for a liveable and vibrant neighborhood. But of course we are not an island!
Our neighboring neighborhoods are also working hard. Take the beautiful Oosterdok for example, a place at the waterfront in the heart of Amsterdam where technology and innovation have been combined with an urge for adventure for centuries.
Partner neighborhood of De Plantage
Nice news: Expeditie Oosterdok is now connected to our neighborhood network as a partner neighborhood. This means that news from the Oosterdok can also be read via our website and social media. Would you like to know more about activities on the Oosterdok? They also have a point of contact and that is project leader Marieke Ruytenburg; you can always send her a message.
What is Oosterdok?
A lot has been built in this district of Amsterdam in recent years and there will be a lot of renovation in the coming years. And history all over! In the seventeenth century, the IJ was the center of Amsterdam and the world: hundreds of ships departed from here every year to all directions.
Innovative city quarter
The passion for trade and creativity is still in the DNA of this area. And there is much to discover and do. That is why programming institutions and companies at the Oosterdok have been working together since 2017 as Expedition Oosterdok: to put the international, innovative city quarter in which ‘discovery’ is a central theme on the map.
Go on an expedition!
With the water of the Oosterdok as a connection, and adjacent to the Marineterrein, it is a very attractive area to visit. You can enjoy walking, and the museums, the music houses, the library and the companies of the future offer all kinds of activities, together or individually. The website shows what there is to do at the Oosterdok! You can of course also find more information on the websites of the institutions and companies in the area.
Welcome neighbour-neighborhood Expedition Oosterdok!