Walk to and during your work

Published on Monday, March 14News

Walk During Your Workday Challenge

On the Walk To Your Work Day on April 7, 2022, Wandelnet calls on all of the working Netherlands to go for a walk during your (home) working day! This way you get away from your workplace for a while, you activate your brain and you stay healthy and fit. In addition, after 20 minutes of walking you are more concentrated, energetic and creative. So count out your profit, work on your health and go for a walk during your working day!

Did you know that full-time employees sit still on average for 9 hours a day? On Thursday 7 April, Wandelnet is calling on all working people in the Netherlands to go for a walk, so make a note of it in your agenda! Of course we are very curious about your efforts, tag Wandelnet in the post and share your experience via #hiketimesjewerk!

The month prior to the official Walk To Your Work Day, Wandelnet also organizes the annual business challenge in collaboration with the Brain Foundation’s Ommetje app. As a company, compete with other companies in your industry and become a walking champion! The proceeds of the challenge go directly to the charity of the Brain Foundation.

More info on Wandelnet.nl