Tree in De Plantage in the top 10 of the city

Published on Monday, September 19News

The municipality published a top-10 of the most beautiful trees in the city….One of them grows in De Plantage……

1 tree on 1 resident
It is estimated that there are at least 1 million trees in Amsterdam. More than there are residents. The tree experts of the municipality made a list of the 10 most beautiful trees. Old fat ones, a crooked one, a lonely one, the most handsome, the tallest, an exotic. They are all aged and worth a visit.

In that top-10 the Caucasian wingnut that is in the Wertheim Park near the Auschwitz Monument in De Plantage; planting year 1860. Wing nuts are known for their resilience. You often see new shoots emerge. This tree has a trunk circumference of almost 4 meters. Tree surgery began in the 1970s. Iron anchors have been installed to restore this tree. There are no fewer than 5 monumental trees in Wertheim Park. There is another Caucasian wingnut from 1860 along the waterfront. And of course there are many more giants and special trees in De Plantage, including in the Hortus and in ARTIS.

About the top 10
“We could just as easily have made a top 50 or a top 100,” says Hans Kaljee, Amsterdam tree consultant. “It was difficult to choose. Amsterdam has so many trees. Much more than other cities. Paris, for example, has 1 tree for 22 inhabitants. Amsterdam has approximately 1 tree for 1 resident.”

Kaljee: “We have about 4000 monumental trees, designated by our advisory committee. They are seriously old, at least 50 years, and big. They are often beautiful to see, or very rare, or they are in a unique place. Anyone can contribute a tree. We are now checking them all out.” These trees receive extra care and must remain standing for as long as possible. Look at Monumental trees and other valuable greenery where they are.

For more information, visit the municipality’s website.