Thousandth Stolperstein laid in Amsterdam

Published on Monday, December 20News

Under the watchful eye of those involved and mayor Femke Halsema, the 999th and 1000th Stolpersteine ​​were placed on December 17, a stone’s throw from the Stopera. Stolpersteine, also known as stumbling stones, are memorials placed in the pavement in front of the former residences of people who were expelled, deported, murdered or driven to suicide by the Nazis.

The Stolpersteine ​​placed today are a tribute to Louis Lamm (1871-1943) and his daughter Ruth Fanny Lamm (1911-1943) who lived in their house on Amstel 3 until their death. The house is no longer there, but on the spot where they once lived, the 2 Stolpersteine ​​are a permanent reminder of these Amsterdammers who were murdered in 1943 in Auschwitz concentration camp.

Louis Lamm was a Jewish bookseller, antique dealer and publisher from Germany. In 1933 Lamm emigrated to Amsterdam and continued his antiquarian bookshop in Amstel 3. Louis Lamm lived here with his wife and 1 of his 3 children, Ruth Fanny. Daughter Hannah and son Heinrich emigrated to Palestine and would be the only ones to survive the war. Mother Julia died in December 1940. The well-known Dutch photographer and resistance member Cas Oorthuys also lived in the Amstel 3 building.

More information on the municipality’s website.