How sustainable is Amsterdam? What is the status of the sustainable development of Amsterdam? What do we want the future of our capital to look like? And what do we have to do now to get there?
These questions are answered in The Healthy City Monitor.
Every year, De Gezonde Stad (The Healthy City) examines the progress of Amsterdam’s sustainable development. They do this based on six themes: food, green, energy, clean air & transport, water and waste.
They investigate the current state of affairs and map out what needs to be done in the coming years. They also investigated with research agency Motivaction what Amsterdam residents actually think about these topics. The ten most striking facts are in the healthy city Fact Sheet.
Amsterdam residents want more greenery, but the amount of greenery per inhabitant is decreasing. In this eighth edition of The Healthy City Monitor, The Healthy City explains how clean the air you breathe every day is, how we can prevent heat stress in the city, and how many Amsterdam residents now eat vegetarian.
If you have looked at the ten most striking facts and want to dig even deeper into the matter, download the entire Monitor. Leave your name and email address at the bottom of the De Gezonde Stad web page and you will receive the report in your mailbox.
You can also listen to the Positive Impact Podcast here and be updated by director Annick Mantoua about The Healthy City Monitor and the sustainable trends and developments in our capital!
Have fun reading and listening!