Sustainable Plantage neighborhood in New Amsterdam Climate

Published on Thursday, January 13News

From 7 to 12 February it is the Week of the Circular Economy. For some, a subject to immediately warm up to in an environmentally friendly way, for others to sigh that he can’t do anything with it on his own.

Good news! In De Plantage we work on sustainability and circularity on several topics. And we are improving every day and do that in such a way that everyone, big and small, can join in. Everything for a green, liveable neighbourhood!

For several years now, De Plantage has had a program in which all activities and projects that we develop around sustainability come together: the Sustainable Plantage. Of course we like to talk about it, and that’s why we wrote an article about how it came to be and what we are currently working on.

Maybe you find it interesting to read? It is in Dutch unfortunatly. You can find the whole article here!

And if you would like to know more about a specific project, please send an email to or