Resistance Museum presents plans for new permanent exhibition

Published on Wednesday, April 6News

After 23 years, the Resistance Museum is exchanging the permanent exhibition for a brand new one. The museum will close its doors from 23 May for the renovation and refurbishment. The new permanent exhibition will open to the public at the end of October 2022. On Tuesday 12 April, the museum will present the design to the press and media.

New historical insights and a more contemporary museum approach have resulted in a spectacular, interactive, narrative and inclusive exhibition design. Personal stories are leading in this and bring the visitor closer to the history and the dilemmas that people faced during the occupation. The atmosphere in the exhibition spaces changes, thanks to artistic installations with varying choice of materials, along with the increasingly grim occupation times. This makes a visit to the Resistance Museum an experience.

For everyone
An important spearhead for the Resistance Museum is the possibility for people with a visual or auditory disability to visit the new permanent exhibition independently. Experts by experience, blind and partially sighted and deaf and hard of hearing, contributed to this during the design process.

Resistance Museum, Plantage Kerklaan 61