Plantage PoëziePrijs 2023

Published on Wednesday, September 27News

The 2023 Plantage Poetry Prize of the Vereniging Vrienden van de Plantage goes to Katelijne Brouwer!

On September 23, it was announced in the Luther Museum in Amsterdam that Katelijne Brouwer has won the Plantage Poetry Prize 2023 with her poem ‘when walking becomes falling’.

There were 144 entries from 144 poets from the Netherlands and Flanders. Only jury secretary Liesbeth de Ruijter knew their names. The theme of the competition this year was ‘Round’. The jury (Co Woudsma, Martine van der Reijden and Jos van Hest) selected three nominated poems after careful consultation. Liesbeth de Ruijter then announced the names of the poets: Annette Akkerman, Katelijne Brouwer and Are Meijer.

In the photo Katelijne Brouwer receiving the Plantage Poetry Prize 2023, a work of art by porcelain ceramist Claartje Borren.

More about the competition and the winners on the website of the Vereniging Vrienden van de Plantage.