Write a poem for the Plantage Poetry Prize 2024! The theme is ‘clothing’.
That is the theme of the 33rd edition of the Plantage Poetry Prize. Poems about clothes, our second skin, from animal skins and forbidden fur to wedding dresses and body warmers. About cocktail dresses and uniforms, zippers and Velcro, about dressing and undressing, tailors and couturiers, the compulsion of designer clothes, the bulk of textiles and the second-hand shop. Shoes can also participate, as can hats.
Each poet may submit only one poem with a length of no more than forty lines (including title and blank lines) in Arial 12 font. The poems are judged anonymously by a three-person jury: the poets Wim van Til, Katelijne Brouwer (winner of the PPP 2023) and Jos van Hest (chairman).
Poems can be submitted until August 15 to ppp@vriendenvandeplantage.nl
The awards ceremony will take place on Saturday afternoon, September 14, in the Lutherian Museum in Amsterdam.