No car traffic on the Weesperstraat during the day for 6 weeks

Published on Thursday, April 6News

The Weesperstraat is one of the busiest traffic arteries in our city. More than 1,500 cars per hour drive between the morning and evening rush hours. The municipality is conducting a trial to make the neighborhood less car-free. To this end, the Weesperstraat will be closed to through traffic during the day between 12 June and 23 July.

3 surrounding streets (Anne Frankstraat, Hoogte Kadijk and Kattenburgergracht) will also be closed during the day to prevent cut-through traffic. The streets are open between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Alternative route just as fast
Based on license plate research and calculations with traffic models, the municipality expects that more than 40 percent of the cars will reach their destination just as quickly or faster via a different route. For another 40 percent of the cars, the travel time will be a maximum of 5 minutes longer.

Accessibility, safety and quality of life
With the trial, the municipality is responding to residents’ requests for measures. And the effects on accessibility, safety and quality of life in Weesperstraat, Valkenburgerstraat and the surrounding neighborhoods are being investigated.

The test is part of the Autoluw Agenda.

More information on the municipality’s website.