Municipal council approves plans for mixed Marineterrein

Published on Sunday, December 17News

On November 9, the municipal council adopted the Marineterrein project memorandum. This can therefore further develop as an area for innovation with housing, a larger city park on the water and more space for schools and universities and innovative companies. The municipality is now also starting negotiations with the government to purchase most of the site in a few years.

In the project decision, the municipal council instructed:

  • to investigate whether it is possible to build more homes on the Marineterrein than the 800 already planned.
  • to investigate whether childcare, a nightclub and other social facilities are possible.
  • to pay extra attention to as much greenery as possible.

Living, working, learning, meeting
Since the gates opened in 2013, the municipality and the government have ensured that the Marineterrein has been developed into a successful area for innovation. It is also possible to relax in the park and on the water. The decision makes living on the Marineterrein possible and allows the area to develop further step by step. The new buildings will be build together as much as possible, so that there is more space for greenery that connects.

There will be a lot of variation in architecture, height, width and use. The layout with side streets, small squares and larger, green squares provides views and variety. The city park is being expanded on the water of the Oosterdok. The characteristic buildings remain. All these things together create a mixed, lively and green area that suits this special place in the city.

New barracks and purchase of land
The new construction on the Marineterrein will start in a few years with the construction of a new Defense barracks that will take up less space. The municipality will soon negotiate with the government about the purchase of the rest of the Marineterrein. An environmental plan is drawn up together with the government and the options for the council’s additional wishes are investigated. Together with the neighborhood, users and other people involved a participation plan wil be drawn up. This will be followed by an investment decision in the municipal council.

More information on the website of the municipality and the Marineterrein