H’ART Museum program 2024 – 2028 announced

Published on Monday, March 4News

Last week, H’ART Museum announced the highlights of the exhibition program for the next 5 years, a program full of big names……

In the building of the former Hermitage, H’ART Museum wants to connect museums and art in a new, contemporary way. The museum travels the world for art lovers and brings unique exhibitions and world-famous art from all over the world to the Dutch capital. This results in special exhibitions, in which the museum collaborates with famous museums such as Center Pompidou, British Museum and Smithsonian American Art Museum.

The program for the next 5 years 

  • Wassily Kandinsky: June – November 2024
    This summer, H’ART Museum and Center Pompidou will start their collaboration with a major exhibition on Wassily Kandinsky (Moscow 1866 – Paris 1944). Center Pompidou has one of the artist’s most renowned collections. One of the absolute highlights is the famous reconstruction of the Salon de Réception of the Juryfreie exhibition in Berlin (1922). Based on more than 60 works of art from the Parisian collection, the exhibition presents a unique overview of Kandinsky’s artistic oeuvre.
  • David Levinthal: November 2024 – March 2025
    Museum and Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) close the year with the controversial presentation, American Myth and Memory: David Levinthal Photographs. Photographer Levinthal (1949) captures typical American subjects and investigates the influence of mass media on American myth-making. From the Vietnam War to Baseball and Barbie. He discusses American culture and history. H’ART Museum and SAAM are working together on this European first.
  • Rembrandt: April – August 2025
    In 2025, H’ART Museum will celebrate the 750th anniversary of the city of Amsterdam with an exhibition dedicated to the Netherlands in the seventeenth century; daily life and the residents. In collaboration with The Leiden Collection, an exhibition is being prepared focusing on Rembrandt with more than twelve paintings.
  • Constantin Brancusi: September 2025 – February 2026
    After the summer, Center Pompidou icon Constantin Brancusi (Hobita/Romania 1876 – Paris 1957) will take center stage. This exhibition presents a comprehensive overview of the founder of modern sculpture.
  • Themes from 2026
    2026 – 2027: Henri Matisse & USA
    2027 – 2028: Feminine Power & Surrealism
    2028: Ferdinand Leger

H’ART Museum, Amstel 51