From Tropenmuseum to Wereldmuseum

Published on Tuesday, October 10News

If you went to the Tropenmuseum on Linnaeusstraat recently, since October 4 you did enter the museum called Wereldmuseum.

The museum overall organization National Museum of World Cultures − Tropenmuseum, Africa Museum and Museum of Ethnology − and Wereldmuseum will continue under one name: Wereldmuseum.

New name fits the mission
“The short and powerful name fits in with a development that we also see in the countries around us: Weltmuseum Vienna, World Museum Liverpool. The name Wereldmuseum fits our mission in which we want to inspire global citizenship,” says general director Marieke van Bommel.

“Words Matter”
“With our exhibitions and activities, but also in our ongoing research, we assume a world that we share with each other and in which we influence each other. And that is precisely what we want to express in the new name,” Van Bommel continues. “Moreover, this change is in line with the promise we made in 2018 with our publication Words Matter. The publication provides insight into the effect of word choice and provides tools to make different choices. The use of words in our museums has already been adapted to this, now we will continue on this path with a new name.”

There is plenty to do in Wereldmuseum Amsterdam during the autumn holidays! Time for a visit!

Wereldmuseum Amsterdam, Linnaeusstraat 2