CREA performances and Cadavre Exquis

Published on Saturday, June 24News

Enjoy several performances at CREA for a few more weeks. Until the beginning of July there are dance, music performances and summer concerts. Test your knowledge during the pub quiz, be surprised during the open stage evening or take the plunge and enter the stage yourself that evening.

During the summer months you can broaden your creative horizon by following a course.

View the calender with performances for the coming weeks and Crea’s range of courses here.

Starting next month, CREA Cafe Amsterdam has a special extra activity for its customers. Cadavre Exquis! Drawing together in the spirit of the Surrealists – or as its founder, Andre Breton, once characterized it: “a fun pastime that can eventually become an enriching endeavor.” The interactive Cadavre Exquis installation on the mural Three Little Birds by Rienke Enghardt is an accessible way to engage with art and culture and to meet each other.

Cadavre Exquis is based on a children’s game that has been played all over the world for centuries. At the beginning of the last century, the Surrealists saw the game as an art form and gave it its illustrious name. The Cadavre Exquis drawings that have playfully emerged from this give an impression of the zeitgeist of the turbulent years between the two world wars.

Hope Box/HBX is a mobile art-project by Rienke that since 1991 initiates collective and social art actions all over the globe, especially in post conflict areas. From the very beginning Cadavre Exquis is often played during Hope Box gatherings.

A selection of Surrealist and Hope Box Cadavre Exquis drawings can be found in the installation on the Three little Birds mural.

From Summer 2023, drawings made during the CREA courses and by visitors to the CREA Cafe will also be included in the installation and thus contribute to the current zeitgeist. You can join the CREA workshops or pick up and return the Cadavre Exquis toolbox at the bar.

On Saturday 8 July, the very first Cadavre Exquis meeting will take place in the CREA café. The meeting will take place in the brand new 360 degrees ‘Three Little Birds Wing’ of the Café (formerly ‘de Herenkamer’) in which the equally brand new interactive Cadavre Exquis installation can be seen and experienced. T

hat afternoon there is also the opening ritual, after which everyone can join and draw. From August, Cadavre Exquis meetings with CREA students will also take place.

CREA, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170