Commemoration of the February strike

Published on Wednesday, January 24News

On Sunday, February 25, 2021, the February strike of 1941 will be commemorated at the Dokwerker on the Jonas Daniël Meijerplein in De Plantage.

The February Strike Commemoration Committee organizes this together with the municipal council.


  • The commemoration starts around 4:45 p.m
  • contributions from chairman Jaïr Stranders, Johan Fretz and mayor Femke Halsema
  • performance by singer, poet and rapper Benjamin Fro
  • 5 p.m., when the bells of the Zuidertoren chime, parade along the Dokwerker with the laying of wreaths and flowers
  • afterwards: meet each other at the fire pits on the square and have hot chocolate

The committee asks everyone to order or bring a small flower arrangement, a single flower or a small-scale alternative, because of sustainability. You can drop off on the day itself at Jonas Daniël Meijerplein

Why commemorate?
The committee wants the values ​​associated with the February strike of 1941 – standing up for others, standing up against injustice – to serve as inspiration for today’s society. The committee does this by commemorating and celebrating the historic act of resistance in a way that appeals to all residents of the Netherlands and encourages them to think. Various activities and programs are also organized with various partners in the weeks leading up to the commemoration.

More information on the website of the February Strike Commemoration Committee