30 klm per hour in Amsterdam

Published on Wednesday, November 8News

On Friday, December 8, the speed limit on most roads in Amsterdam will increase to 30 kilometers per hour.

A maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour is then permitted on 80 percent of the roads. How fast you can drive and where is indicated by traffic signs at every street. This month and last month the municipality has made preparations for this; the road markings have been adjusted and approximately 4,400 new signs have been installed.

Safer and quieter
By driving a little slower, everyone contributes to a safer and quieter city. At 30 kilometers per hour, the braking distance is twice as short (13 meters) as at 50 kilometers per hour (27 meters). At a maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour, 20 to 30 percent fewer serious accidents are therefore expected. Traffic noise may be halved. The city becomes quieter, and being outside more pleasant.

Press ridges
To ensure that public transport runs as smoothly as possible, separate public transport lanes have been constructed in some places. Here, public transport may continue to travel at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. Traffic on the adjacent carriageway may drive at a maximum speed of 30 km.

If you want to know where the new speed limit applies in De Plantage neighborhood, take a look at the map (blue is 30 klm) or on the municipality’s website.

More information at amsterdam.nl/30km.