
1 Jul - 31 Aug

Summerevenings at ARTIS


This summer you can enjoy the 21st edition of the Summerevenings at ARTIS!

During the Summerevenings, the Saturday evenings in July and August, ARTIS-Park is buzzing with life. After the park closes, you can enjoy live music, tours, workshops and good food. In the golden evening hours, between the flowering beds of the edible garden, the park fills with scents, colors, sounds, flavors, musical sounds, food trucks and activities for young and old. View the full program here.

Live music

Talent from the Conservatory creates the perfect summer atmosphere with sultry, acoustic jazz sessions every Saturday afternoon. When evening falls, settle down on the Music Field with your picnic blanket. And enjoy music by ROSEYE, Liam Pek, Boaz and Yori Swart, among others.

What else is there to do

Besides music there is much more to do. Take part in one of the themed tours about edible gardens, endangered species and sexual diversity in the animal kingdom or discover twilight in the park during the evening tour. This summer, the youngest adventurers will collect their space passports at the Planetarium, participate in children’s yoga or listen to the puppet show.

Encore: experience the inner life of the plant Arabidopsis Thaliana on the Artisplein through a digital experience; so special!

Summerevenings ARTIS, ARTIS, Plantage Kerklaan 38-40