
7 Oct - 8 Oct

Science weekend: discover the future on the Marineterrein


October 7 is the first day of the science weekend, and October 8 is also Sustainability Day. Where better to go for this combination than the Marineterrein!

At the Marineterrein, in the middle of the city, companies, scientists, creatives and students devise and test solutions to the challenges of the city of the future every day. They will show this on Saturday, October 7, 2023; then innovative organizations on and around the site will open their doors for families to experiment together, discover and think about the city of the future. There is still plenty to do on Sunday October 8.

What will our life look like in the future?
Discover it yourself; make sushi from insects, learn to code or fly a drone, work with a 3D printer, upcycle your own clothes or eat an ice cream made from cultured meat! Numerous organizations offer experiences, try-outs and activities. You can make nasty and tasty smells at Mediamatic, play the Climate Makers game at NEMO-Studio, cook the food of the future at Next Nature, and much more. For the first time, you can also visit the Innovation Pavilion at the Marineterrein, where you can view new options for sustainable, circular and modular construction. Lots of exciting and special things to discover in the program; read more on the website.

Open Marineterrein is a collaboration between Bureau Marineterrein, AMS Institute, Mediamatic, Codam, Roboat, Municipality of Amsterdam, Waag Futurelab, AHK Makerspace, OBA, Next Nature and Nemo Studio.

Weekend of Science
The free science festival for young and old with exciting experiments, fascinating lectures and inspiring discoveries. Every year, all kinds of organizations open their doors and you can visit places that normally remain closed. Young and old are introduced to the wonderful world of science and technology in an interactive way. There are also special activities and discovery tours in the museums and parks in the Plantage that weekend. For more information, visit the institutions’ websites.

Open Marineterrein during Science Weekend, October 7 and 8, Marineterrein Amsterdam; look here for accessibility.