
8 May - 30 May

Photo exhibition about domestic violence, next to the municipal office


Between 8 and 30 May, visit the open-air photo exhibition ‘WE.. break the circle of violence’; next to the municipal office of the municipality, in front of the entrance on the Amstel.

The photo exhibition consists of 29 portraits of people who tell about their experience with domestic violence and child abuse. And how they broke this circle with someone important to them. Each story has its own twist. One thing is certain, however: doing nothing is not an option.

The exhibition will be opened on Tuesday 9 May at 4 p.m. by district councilor Lotte Terwel, the Open Mind Foundation and one of the people portrayed. The opening will take place at the Stopera on the Amstel side.

Break the circle
The municipality has also brought this traveling photo exhibition to Amsterdam Center; together with the Open Mind foundation, program ‘Violence does not belong anywhere’ and the initiators. It is part of the municipality’s preventive approach to Domestic Violence and Child Abuse. With the project ‘WE…break the circle of violence’, the organizers draw attention to domestic violence and child abuse. For victims to show that they are not alone and that help is available. And for bystanders and professionals to help them on their way with help and advice.

Photo exhibition ‘WE .. break the circle of violence’, next to the municipal office of the Municipality of Amsterdam, Amstel 1

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