
21 Dec - 8 Jan

Nowhere circus is more beautiful than in Carré!


Order your tickets now for the World Christmas Circus 2022 in Carré (December 21, 2022 to January 8, 2023).

The World Christmas Circus has been the family outing for the Christmas holidays for years, and with almost 60,000 visitors a year, it is also the most visited and most successful Christmas circus in the Netherlands.

Circus has been entertainment for young and old for 250 years; an ideal opportunity now to enjoy the top of the international circus world together with family and loved ones.

During this Christmas season, the World Christmas Circus is full of world sensations, world premieres and world records. One big circus festival that can be compared to the biggest circus festivals in the world in Monte Carlo and Paris!
During the performance, only award-winning acts can be enjoyed, together for the first time in a program specially composed for Carré.

The return of the circus to Carré, for which it was built by Oscar Carré in 1887, is going to be great. As Oscar Carré put it at its first premiere: “With a glorious program of dozens of circus stars from around the world!”

Now we proudly say again: “Nowhere Circus is more beautiful than in Carré!”

World Christmas Circus 2022, December 21, 2022 to January 8, 2023, Royal Theater Carré, Amstel 115 – 125