
8 Feb

Knowledge café: cultural representation of animal species


The knowledge cafés at Groenpunt020 are always about nature and/or education and let you look at the world around you differently.

On February 8, biologist Michiel Hooykaas will talk about his research into species knowledge and cultural portrayal of animals in the Hugo de Vries Laboratory on Plantage Middenlaan, with a focus on the presentation of animal species in children’s books, prints and clothing.

Knowledge of species can enrich our lives, but species literacy in the Netherlands is currently not doing well. For example, children in particular have difficulty recognizing native animals, the frame of reference is largely determined by exotic animals such as crocodiles, tigers, giraffes and polar bears.

During the knowledge café, Michiel explains how knowledge of species can be useful, for example in education about nature. We also do an animal quiz so you can test your own animal knowledge and we go outside to find pictures of animals. Finally, Michiel explains what image cultural products such as picture books present of biodiversity, so that from now on you will look differently at the variety of animals around you. We close with soup and a drink.

Kenniscafe: cultural representation of animal species, February 8, 5-7.30 pm, Hugo de Vries Laboratory, Plantage Middenlaan 2 (ANMEC). You can register via Buurtgroen020