
28 Apr - 5 May

If walls could talk


From April 28 to May 5, Open Jewish Homes commemorates the persecution of the Jews in two hundred living rooms, kitchens and classrooms

Hanneke Gelderblom-Lankhout was six years old when she was suddenly sent away to stay in 1942. A strange lady takes her away. That lady turns out to be artist Ru Paré, a resistance fighter who helped 52 Jewish children go into hiding during the Second World War.

Hanneke is one of them
She tells her story during Open Jewish Homes at Citroenstraat 57 in The Hague. She was born here and lived with her family until she was six. Thanks to Ru Paré she survived the war. She is now 88, but she works tirelessly for the memory of this brave woman.

Houses with a story
Hanneke is one of the two hundred storytellers who opens the doors of her house during Open Jewish Homes. Witnesses, relatives and current residents bring the history behind their front doors to life. Everyone is welcome to come and listen, discuss and commemorate.

Open Jewish Homes takes place in Amsterdam, Apeldoorn, Assen, Baflo, Bedum, Delfzijl, The Hague, Deventer, Eenrum, Gorinchem, Groningen, Haarlem, Hoorn, Krommenie, Leeuwarden, Nieuwlande, Nijmegen, Roodeschool, Schoonhoven, Uithuizen, Usquert, Utrecht , Wageningen, Warffum, Winschoten, Winsum, Winterswijk, Zaandam and Zaandijk.

About Open Jewish Homes
Every year, relatives and residents commemorate the Jews and resistance fighters who lived in their homes. What was their life like before, during and after the Second World War? As a visitor you become acquainted with personal and often remarkable histories in the intimate setting of a living room or kitchen. Open Jewish Houses – Houses of Resistance is organized annually by local organizations and volunteers, with support from the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam.

Open Jewish Homes, until May 5, various locations, Jewish Cultural Quarter