
24 Nov

Green Friday at the Maritime Museum


Toys, clothes and books for children Friday

November 24 is Green Friday; a counter-reaction to Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year when overconsumption is rampant with all the consequences for the environment.

After last year’s success, the National Maritime Museum is once again organizing a fundraiser for toys, children’s clothing and children’s books for visitors and local residents who could use them. This year we are doing this together with the Curinesa Neighborhood Foundation, to make an even greater impact. We can also use your help!

On Friday, November 24, between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM, we will rename the Open Square to Market Square, where we will offer the collected toys, children’s clothing and children’s books free of charge to families who can use them. We hope that in this way we will not only make many parents and children happy, but also save the environment a little.

Green Friday in the Maritime Museum, November 24, 2023, Kattenburgerplein 1