Behind the scenes of the food industry
The Food for Thought exhibition can be seen in the Maritime Museum from November 3. The focus is on the work of photographer and filmmaker Kadir van Lohuizen, who conducts research into the global food industry. With this exhibition, the National Maritime Museum wants to give visitors insight into the unknown world behind our food. The exhibition can be visited until June 9, 2024.
Food for Thought introduces the visitor to various facets of today’s global food industry and at the same time investigates how (maritime) structures and power relations from the past continue to affect the present. The exhibition also encourages critical thinking about the future of the food industry: what does a more equal and sustainable food system look like?
In Food for Thought, Van Lohuizen takes the visitor to the Netherlands, the United Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kenya and the United States. China will also be added later this year, once Van Lohuizen has been able to visit that country. Large projections and photos offer a look behind the scenes, from ultra-modern seed breeding companies and world ports to vertical farms and slaughterhouses. The exhibition answers the questions of where our food comes from and where it goes and also shows the role that shipping and the Netherlands – the second largest exporter of agricultural products – play in the global system.
Food for Thought, November 3, 2023 to June 9, 2024, National Maritime Museum, Kattenburgerplein 1