Three artists reflect on the legacies of Dutch rule in Indonesia
What does it mean to live with the colonial past now? The Wereldmuseum posed this question to artists Elia Nurvista, Max Kisman and Sabine Groenewegen. For the exhibition Imprints, which opens on February 8, 2024, they have been invited to reflect on the physical, ideological and psychological traces left by the Dutch rule of Indonesia. In their work, all three look critically at the impact of the colonial past on the present.
The artworks in the exhibition arise from long-term research practices and creative processes and have never been seen in this form before. The Wereldmuseum collection contributed to the creation of the works. These three artists put their own stamp on the theme and challenge visitors to gain new insights.
The artists work with various media to investigate these ‘imprints’. Nurvista investigates the impact of oil palm plantations, in layered and grand multimedia installations. Kisman, known for his recognizable graphic silhouette style, is interested in the psychological consequences of occupation, loyalty and self-determination. And Groenewegen analyzed colonial propaganda films, the stories they constructed, and the realities they concealed.
Our colonial legacy
In June 2022, the Wereldmuseum Amsterdam opened the semi-permanent exhibition ‘Our colonial legacy’. The exhibition shows how colonialism helped shape the world today, and how people withstood colonialism. The gallery adjacent to the exhibition shows several exhibitions of contemporary art that serve as an in-depth look at ‘Our colonial legacy’. By showing how colonial history is an unfinished past, Wereldmuseum Amsterdam wants to contribute to the debate in society and to a more just society.
Imprints, Wereldmuseum Amsterdam, Linnaeusstraat 2
Photo Ilvy Njiokiktjien