
23 Mar

Earth Hour; give one hour for more nature!


Turn off the lights for one hour on Saturday, March 23 at 8:30 PM during WWF-Earth Hour! To send a signal worldwide that it is important how we treat the earth.

Can one hour change the world? Impossible. But what if millions of people around the world did something good for nature and our future for one hour? One hour in which millions of people worldwide take action — from Sydney to Scheveningen. One hour in which the lights go out everywhere — from the Erasmus Bridge to the Eiffel Tower. One hour that connects cities, countries and continents to stand up for our vulnerable nature. One hour that sets a good example for all the hours to come. One hour for more nature. Turn off the lights for an hour in De Plantage…….

We face major challenges, but together we are strong. Can one hour change the world? It’s a start and it’s up to us. Therefore, give one hour for more nature: turn off the lights for one hour on Saturday, March 23 at 8:30 PM during WWF-Earth Hour.