
12 Sep - 16 Nov

‘Choice for Art’ in Outsider Art Gallery


Outsider Art Gallery shows exhibition of artist duos in healthcare

In Amsterdam it is possible: order your own artist at home. At least, if you receive care from the Cordaan healthcare organization. In the exhibition ‘Choice for Art – artist duos in healthcare’, a group of creative Amsterdammers show what they do and create together with ‘their’ artist. Unique collaborations that produce open and personal works, each with its own story. From graphic and ceramic work to poetry and life stories.

Ambulatory Art Team Cordaan brings art and care together
Cordaan has been working with an ‘ambulant art team’ since 2022, a large group of artists from various disciplines. Cordaan clients who live at home and receive care can work with art and culture for a longer period of time with an artist of their choice. Just at home, the artist comes by. In addition to creativity, such a link offers meaning, connection, development, and: not having to worry about care or illness for a while. In this way, art can be an additional answer to a question that healthcare does not always have an answer to.

Choice for art
Choice for Art shows work by a group of very different makers. Completed drawings and images, work by clients and artists together, and insights into the process of making, of working together on art and culture. This produces work that expresses pleasure and freedom, but also has a personal or deeper meaning. What do you want to leave behind when you are no longer here? How do you express a feeling of unease? What do you do if you want to turn your limitation into your strength? Four guest curators involved in the itinerant art team helped develop the exhibition.

Choice for Art, September 12 to November 16, 2024, Outsider Art Gallery, Neerlandiaplein 7