
31 May

BLEND, exhibition at Hotel Arena


City in Silence, Nature in Movement, a beautiful exhibition by the talented artist Hazel, born and raised in the vibrant city of Amsterdam.

This exhibition showcases the work of artist Hazel Ling, with a new collection that explores the fusion of urban serenity and natural energy. The works have never been shown before and offer a unique view on both aspects.

Hazel Ling

Hazel was born in Amsterdam, shortly after her parents migrated there from China. Although she grew up in the Netherlands, Chinese culture had a huge influence on her. Her cultural duality has shaped who she is today, how she sees things and the way she expresses herself in photography. Unknowingly, the serenity, harmony and imagination of Chinese art, combined with her awareness of Western art, have left an impression on her photographic style. She herself says: “Photography allows me to create compositions where the internal and external worlds collide and where reality meets the imaginary”

Hazel’s life journey is a story of two contrasting worlds – the vibrant energy of urban landscapes and the serene beauty of nature. This two-sidedness has shaped not only her perspective but also her artistic expression, beautifully summarized in her fine art photography that can be seen in this collection.

BLEND, until the end of May 2024, Hotel Arena Oosterpark ‘s-Gravesandestraat 55